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The Fight Against Ch...The Remember Me Foun...
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Dreamed about u u were looking all beautiul along with that pretty smile my sweet princess u always in my heart and prays
karla gonzalez
Hey bbygirl just wanted to stop by and say goodnight my love and tmrw ill stop by and talk to u a bit more:D sweet dreams angel
karla gonzalez
Hey baygirl how are u doing today?, im good i just got back fromdriving my mom round town, my lil nephew says hello:D love u nena
bertha marrroquin
My lil baby angel you will always be in my heart , R.I.P mi ninya te quiero muncho y nuka te olvedare<3
Mireya Andrade
May u b happy N heaven w/ all the lil angels. No 1 can hurt u now. Iloveu yull always b in my thoughts&prayers smile u can rip
karla gonzalez
Hola bebe, como estas hoy? apenitas llege del trabajo piense en ti todo el dia, te amo preciosa<3 im praying for u babygirl
karla gonzalez
Hey brianna its 3;27 a.m. here in tx i love u babygirl i will light a candle evryday for u so we can talk:D ur in my prayers BRI<3
karla gonzalez
Hola chikita. ahora estas en el cielo viviendo con nuestro padre y santisima madre. te dan el amor k nunca sentiste te amo brianna
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Come Holy Spirit, come by mean of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,Your well-beloved spouse. Sweet dreams
Que dios te bendiga mi reyna hoy y siempre,te quiero muchicimo brianna por siempre RIP
RIP angel girl noone can hurt you now xxxx we all hug our children tighter now and we wish we could of protected you sweet girl
Helena Nilsson
You will always have a place in my heart beautiful Baby Brianna, you won't be forgottenb. You're an angel. Dröm sött.
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