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Life story
February 14, 2002
Brianna is born, prematurely, the daughter of Andy Walters and Stephanie Lopez in New Mexico, U.S.A.
July 2002
During her first five months of life, Brianna is bitten, beaten and raped by her mother, father and uncle.
July 18, 2002
Andy Walters purchases beer and that night, Stephanie, Andy and her brother Steven drink into the night. After Stephanie had gone to bed, Andy and Steven began throwing Brianna up in the air. They then let her hit the ceiling, fail to catch her and watch as she hits the floor.

July 19, 2002
Early July 19th, 2002 when Stephanie asked what had happened to Brianna, Andy and Steven said they "played a little rough with her." Stephanie ignores the bruises on Brianna and when Brianna needs to be changed, Andy volunteered to do it. Andy then proceeds to sexually assult Brianna with a wet wipe wrapped around his finger.

Some time later, Stephanie notices something wrong with Brianna and decides to wait several hours before calling for an ambulance. By then it was already too late.

After a lifetime of abuse Brianna slipped away at only 5months old.

An angel in the book of life wrote down Brianna's birth.
Then whispered as she closed the book
"too beautiful for earth."
July 20, 2002
Doctors find that Brianna is covered in old and new bruises from the top of her head to her feet. There are bite marks, broken bones, lacerations to her fingers, bleeding to the brain that was old and new and signs of anal and vaginal rape.

July 21, 2002
No picture of Brianna is found at the home where she lived, so the lead investigator took a picture of Brianna on the autopsy table and edited it to hide the bruises. It is the first picture of Brianna without the marks.

(The date listed may be incorrect. It has to be listed after the 19th for the website to list it in chronological order.)
July 25, 2002
At first no one came forward to claim Brianna's body, so her community came together to arrange her funeral. The clothes Brianna wore at her funeral were donated and a bonnet was placed on her head to hide some of the bruises. When she was buried her family placed a cage over her grave site in an attempt to stop people from leaving her tokens.


(The date listed may be incorrect. It has to be listed after the 19th for the website to list it in chronological order.)

Brianna's mother Stephanie Lopez was sentenced to 27 years in prison for her part in Brianna's death. She is accused of biting Brianna and throwing her as well as doing nothing to protect her daughter.

The father Andy Walters received a 57-year sentence and her twin brother Steven Lopez was given 51 years in prison. They are both accused of beating Brianna as well as raping her.

The grandmother and uncle who lived in the house, knew what was happening but failed to report the abuse was sentenced to 30 days.
A Senate Bill 166, also known as the “Baby Brianna Bill” was officially signed into law by Governor Bill Richardson.
The bill made child abuse, which results in death, a first degree felony in New Mexico and
set the mandatory minimum sentence at 30 years in prison.
Due to legal restraints from having the cage around Brianna's resting place removed, a bench is installed by The Remember Me Foundation in her memory.
February 14, 2012
On what would have been Brianna's 10th birthday, mourners gathered at her gravesite to remember her.

Photo by
(Robin Zielinski/Sun-News)
February 14, 2014
On what would have been Brianna's 12th birthday, people gather at her resting place to remember her by bringing balloons, gifts, toys, cake and flowers. The cage has been opened by then allowing it to be cleaned.

Photo by Robin Zielinski — Sun-News
January 2015
A new Bill is being introduced that would raise the minimum age of Baby Brianna's Law to age 18. Baby Brianna’s Law only covers the ages of children below the age of 12.


After only serving 13 years of her 27 year setence, Stephanie Lopez is eligible for parole. This news is met with world wide outrage and a petition is created to revoke her eligibility for parole. The peition garnered over 60,000 signatures and media coverage. However, due to the laws that were in place at the time of Stephanie's conviction, she is set to be released September 2016.
September 21, 2016
Stephanie Lopez is released from prison. She will serve two years of parole in the Plainview, Texas area. Residents plan to have a Balloons for Brianna event for Brianna.