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LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
My thoughts and prayers are always with you and your family.May this candle shine upon you eternally.Have a blessed Thursday! XOXO
Hi Brianna, glad your in the arms of God now. U r now an angel. I would've been three years older than u. Rest in peace.
May God always take care of you in a way better way.I love you save me a seat next to you i Heaven. love you<3
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Sending you in Heaven my thoughts, prayers with love for peace, happiness, glory. May each candle lit in your memory shine forever
Stela Veli
Dear my angel i told u i wud never 4get u!! i hope ur flying high on ur wings and im glad only happyness is ther 2 greet u! i<3u!
You are now in a better place with God, no more pain, only happiness.You will always be in my heart.Rest in peace sweet little one
Rosa Rivera
I never knew you but Brianna ... I LOVE YOU! R.I.P. beautiful child!
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Love never ceases but grow deeper, fonder. You are safe in our hearts. Wishing you a blessed, gloroius, peaceful, happy day.Miss U
Its been awhile since I checked in on you but you know there is not a single day goes by I don't think about u. luv u angel..
ashley marie
Awww such a sweet baby,wish u could have been born2people who care more4u thn theirselfs,love u sweet baby girl,ur never forgotten
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Have a glorious, peaceful, happy journey in Heaven. You are so loved and missed deeply.May God embrace you forever.Happy Saturday
Monica Ramos
Lighting this candle for you Brianna! I love you soooo much angel! Sending you kisses of eternity to you in heaven!
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