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savannah sizemore
I never knew brianna but what happen to her was very sad and i wsh she never had to go tho that. u will be rem forever in my heart
Sweet baby girl may your precious soul rest in peace, your in a place now full of light and warmth. God is taking good care of you
Louis Ingram
Baby Brianna you are sadly missed. You are safe where u are now..xoxoxo
Angelito hermoso! ahora estas a lado de dios. MI pequeña te amamos demasiado :) .
Shiela Perez
May your soul rest in peace,little angel.Your life here on earth may be short & tragic..but now u can be happy and be with God
Nadia van der Spuy
I hope you rest in peace little angel.The people that took your life will be punished even worse than how thay treated you.
Michelle Cox
I just wish i could hold you, kiss you, let you know some one loves you, every one sould know what that feels like R I P BABY
God Bless you little Brianna. I never knew you but I love you more than you know. Goodnight sweetheart. xoxoxo
Lorraine Luna
Baby girl brianna, i just want to take u in m arms and never let u go i am so sorry for what happened to u i love you rip !
erin age 11
Im sorry what happened to you brianna we all feel sorry for you i love you becuse you are a child of god R.I.P beautiful little b
Sarah (mum of 3) UK
Hey baby girl! How've u been 2day. Just wanted to catch up with u 2 say "hi"!. I've been thinking of u. Love u xxx
Precious little Angel, may you now know the LOVE that each child should know and that you never had the chance to know. I love U!!
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