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Avigail V. brianna August 24, 2011
Hi Brianna, i wish i would have know you at the time when everything was happening to you, so that i could have had helped you.. . i am so sorry you had to go like this. Just know that there is a lots of people who love you without even knowing you. You are an angel now,=)
jasmine ceja Babi Gurl. August 24, 2011
Hey Babii gurl. How is it in heaven today.  I hope Good. Well im writting u again to see how u are. Im ok my day couldve been better. I read a story the other day about this little boy that his moms boyfriend chopped off his head. Can you please welcome him to heaven. Show him how it is to be loved by a sweet angel. Send my love and kisses to you god and him. Also if you can find my uncle he passed four years after you. Can u find him and tell him that I love him dearly and to wait for me.. thanks Babii Gurl talk to u tomorrow.
Jasmine Ceja As I promised August 23, 2011
Hey Brianna Im writting to you as i promised. I miss you more than ever today. I didnt sleep all night just thinking about you. I want to hold you more and more. I hope you know many people do to . Hows it up there in heaven. Are you being spoiled like you shouldve been here. I hope you are. Your such a sweet little girl.  Also I had a dream about you last night like I hoped I would. It was no different than the other night. I just wish sends me you in another life. So I can show you the love you deserved. I love you my precious angel. Well gotta go. Ill write to you tomorrow I promise...
jasmine ceja Your My baby angel August 22, 2011
Hey precious one this is my first time writting to you and I honestly dont know what to say.  Im in tears at my computer just thinking about you. I look forward to writing you everyday. Can I? I had a dream about you last night That you were mine. And that you were in my arms. A beautiful healthy little girl. Looking up at mee with those beautiful eyes. But as I was waking up you were being taken away from me. I hope I dream about you again tonight. My babii angel.. Ill write to you again tomorrow. <3 I love you my little precious one.
Sya Pour bébé Brianna <3 August 20, 2011

Sache que ton histoire ma profondément touché! Avoir une petite fille comme toi j'en remercierai jamais assez le seigneur' mes voila que pauvre petite fille que tu es..t'es parents ne l'on pas compris et n'ont pas vu à quel point 1enfant et la plus belle merveille du monde..Je ne suis pas encore mère mes j'espère que j'aurai la chance de l'être un jour en tout cas..Une chose que je ne serai jamais capable de faire s'est-ce que t'es putain de parent t'on fait! Je pense et j'espère que au côté de Dieu tu trouvera la force et la joie..que tout les saints te gâte et que tout les anges te traîte comme il se doit..que tu trouve auprès de Dieu l'amÖur que tu m'ériite..Je te fait d'énorme bisÖus... (de la part de Sya'dE N-Calédonie) <3

SHAMICA EMORY I Love You!!! August 18, 2011

Brianna I you're resting right now, but i cry everday thinking about all the terrible things that happened to you. It's ashame that a beautifiul baby like you was done like this. My daughter was a born a month before you and I look at her and wonder what you would be like at this age (9) if you was still among us. What it would be like on your first day of school each year, especially kindergarden. Your first birthday, high school and college graduation sweet 16. When you get married and have your first child. Your life was taken from you. I want to just hug and kiss you so much. I feel like i lost one of my own. I hurt so bad I just kiss my 10 month all the time now. Her name is Shyla. She will turn a year old on Sept 25, 2011. I ask God why did he let our be born into a horrible family or why did you get hurt like that. I will never know but I do know you are not hurting now and I thank God for that. I love and miss you. I will always remember you everyyime I look at my kids.

Your Mother In Christ,
Shamica Emory

odally aka natasha luv u August 16, 2011
Brianna i love you with all my heart i wish i could be with you right now.i'll be there soon. i promise=D

Marilisa love August 13, 2011
Baby Brianna, you never got the chance to do the things little girls do: snuggle with mama, go for shoulder rides with daddy, play dress up, cuddle your baby dolls, have tea parties. If I could I would hold you in my arms and rock you. I would sing "When Irish Eyes are Smilin'" like I did to my four children. I have two little girls in heaven who had to leave us before they were ready to be born. Their names are Mary-Therese and Isobella Raine. Mary-therese went to heaven about a year before you. I hope you are all playing and singing and dancing together. I'll be there someday to join you and when I do, may I have a cup of tea with you? Love mama mar
Nancy Flores beautiful baby August 3, 2011
Baby Brianna, I dont kno u. but today i learned of you. And you touched my heart deeply. I am so sorry to hear what happened to you. Noone,especially a little beautiful baby deserves anything that happened to you. you will always have a special place in my heart and you will never be forgotten, love you and i know you are in a better place. luv and kisses to u....
Julie brianna July 27, 2011

Repose en paix petit ange...
Rest in Peace sweet angel...

odally aka natasha love July 27, 2011
brianna love has its ways of speaking like saying i love u or just a hug  or just writting to them like the people do on your page so dont ever feel like your not loved becuz everybody that knows your story love you love is also by thinking of someone like i do.

Naomi Spicher I'm so sorry little one..<3 you have all my love July 23, 2011

I know that you left this world in such a harsh way:(... but a lot of people that barely even knew you have a lot of love for you... we love you Brianna<3

Dannette Miss July 22, 2011
Rest in peace little angel. God loves you and so do I.
J.K.S 9 Yrs Later July 21, 2011
3287 days or 9 years.

It doesn't matter how much time passed between July 19th, 2002 and now. Your light will never be any dimmer, sweet Angel.

9 years later, you continue to change people's lives, continue to teach them the importance of
Child Abuse Awareness, and reporting it.

Thank You Brianna. Thank You for continuing to spread your light.

Thank You, for you.

Always in my heart,
Then, Now, Always.

Atayan Angelika my angel. July 20, 2011
Gianna Brianna July 20, 2011
Gianna Brianna July 20, 2011
tasha R.I.P July 12, 2011


odally aka natasha my beautiful angel July 11, 2011
hey baby girl i'v been think about how you and other children don't deserve to die at an early age like you and caylee.ppl are suppose to live at an old age not when there kids. But god takes those kids that have suffered alot becuz he knows that his children are suppose to be happy with him.Even though i don't know you like that  i love you as if you were my daughter. so take care i'll meet you in heaven soon enough like i told you life goes 2 fast. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
odally aka natasha my angel July 6, 2011
hey brianna i haven't written to you lately  im srry.My mom said if the baby shes having is a girl that she was going to name her after you.oh i dont mean to be rude but brianna if you dont mind can you take care of caylee anthony.and happy late fourth of july. ilove you with all my heart. take care, oh i also hope you meet my grandma she died last year i hope she takes good care of you.i hope jesus and god are takeing real good care of you. dont worry i'll be there soon life goes on real fast.I <3 you.
rachael humphrey Little Angel July 6, 2011
My little Angel,

You are with your true Father, He will forever love you and keep you. My heart breaks that I cannot wrap my arms around you to tell you how I love you, to sing to you and rock you. What a beautilful little face you have even in death you are a princess, you will not have lived such a life in vein, I will forever love you as I love my children the way you were meant to be loved and cherished. Whatever purpose He had for you I know it will be Great!

Live Forevermore with your loving Father

I love you sweet little angel
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa HAPPY 4th OF JULY FROM MY ANGEL PATRICK July 4, 2011

                                           GOD BLESS YOU!
shaida your life not in vain July 3, 2011
rest in peace sweet angel, god will give the love u deserve, your parents were given a gift from god, you brianna, though they didnt deserve you most beautiful baby my precious sweet love. i love you even though i didnt know you my daughers nearly 5 mnths i keep giving her extra hugs and kisses some for u the hugs u deserved from your parents i wish you were my daughter too i would have loved you, the love you deserved xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx in heaven now in peace
Nadia I pray for you sweet baby.. July 3, 2011
Nadia Rest in peace little princess July 3, 2011
jessica mylovetou July 2, 2011
Hey brianna ur story has deeply touched lpeoples hearts and changed the world ur mother should have protected u but she didnt and now u are with GOD cause of what u went through u could have been adopted to a female who couldnt have kids ur life would have been so much better u would of been so happy growing up but baby u never got to see the outside world locked up in a trailer with monsters doing anything they wanted to do to u ur mother sleeps in the same place as ur father and uncle kill u was she thinking about checking on u and if she was thinking she didnt do anything about it I know people dont like looking at ur pictures cause it makes them cry but when i look at them its almost like ur smiling
Ashley Harmon Forever Goodbye July 1, 2011

Brianna - I have never seen pictures of you, but I would bet on my life that you are extremely beautiful. The angels needed you, God requested you... but they took you in a horrible way. Your family loves and misses you, and if I knew you personally, I would love and miss you as well. As time passes by, we will continue to think about you and miss you. But we all know you're up in heaven, watching over your family. We ask God the same question, day after day... "Why did you take Brianna??? WHY? Out of all the people in the world... why Brianna?" We love you Brianna ... and our hearts continute to ache... your family's arms continue to ache to hold you ... but they know you're still in their hearts... WE LOVE U BRIANNA!!!!

R.I.P Brianna Mariah Lopez -

February 14th, 2002 - July 19th, 2002

Janet Steffenhagen Engel Brianna June 30, 2011
Süße Brianna.......
es tut mir so leid was dir wiederfahren ist.Du bist mein kleiner Engel,ich habe dich in mein Herz geschlossen.Niemals werde ich dich vergessen.......ich liebe Dich!Da wo du jetzt bist tut dir keiner mehr weh.....tapferes,kleines Mädchen.
MBrown I will never forget June 30, 2011
I just love you baby, I cry every day for you. I will never forget you please know you are loved by the world people from all over know of you. Please be at peace I pray you are at peace because of you the world for me is a different place. I hope all the mommies who left this world too soon and left children behinde on earth are taking care of you in heaven. Giving you the love you deserve baby girl. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!
catherine woock Hey little girl June 29, 2011
Ma Petite Princesse,
Je t'ai déja dis que je pense tous les jours à toi et que je ne t'oublierais JAMAIS. Je voulais te dire que tu fais même maintenant partie de la famille ; j'ai accroché une photo de toi dans mon bureau à la maison. Je te vois maintenant tous les jours... Je t'aime.
Cyndie Flores ASPCA Officer June 17, 2011
I read your story in which I could imagine the pain you had endured at the hands of those who were supposed to look after you (they weres supposd to protect you from any type of harm; yet, they were the ones who were inflicting horror that no child should have to endure).
You could have become a police officer who would protect the innocent , or a lawyer who would prosecute those who bring harm to another child.
You were an angel who didn't deserce the life you were handed, so maybe now your story can show others the horror of child abuse.
Angelika my angel... June 16, 2011
love you.. Baby BRIANNA....all my life.
jessica brianna June 11, 2011
Any one would love to have a baby like u because of your family it hurts to know u r not alive to this day but in heaven  when u was still here  u cried but that made things worse the more u cried the more ur family abused u ur story has probably been seen allover the world
leah dorsey beautiful angel June 10, 2011
Stories like this reminds me on how blessed so many of us are to be able to kiss and tell our own babies we love them at night, my heart swells with grief every time I hear a story like this one. I feel for her little soul and feel utterly sad that no one helped this poor defenseless child from the tormentful abuse shown towards this baby. I have to admit I am very angry and in disbelief that there are monsters out there that will prey on babies or any child like that and I think they should be forever ashamed and embarresed for life.
But at the same I feel sad that they will never know the blessing they had and I not right to judge any one but in the end they will answer to god for their actions. and hopefully for thier sake god will show them mercy.
Everynight I pray for my children and those who are abused and thank god that my kids take breathe every morning and can hear their little voices through out my home. Brianna you will be in my prays and I will pray that god has you within his hands and heart and you are in his kingdom away from the monsters of this earth. God bless her soul and every precious little blessings here on earth.
Aleyeysi En mi corazon June 10, 2011

Anhelando  una beba con mucho amo, el creador me egalo tres varones,los amo mucho, soy maestra de niños y niñas pequenos(as), mi deber es cuidar y proteger, como me hubiese gustado haber estado alli para sacarte de ese infierno y enseñarte el mundo que tu merecias. Hoy tuvieses 9 años fueses una niña hermosa e inteligente. Por desgracias a tus cortos 5 meses unos moustros te cegaron tu vida tu estas con Jesus y el padre eterno, y ellos aqui pagando en vida lo que te hicieron. Solo DIOS SABE EL DESTINO DE ESAS PERSONAS PERO EL TUYO ES ESTAR DENTRO DE LOS CORAZONES DE TODAS LAS PERSONAS QUE AL IGUAL QUE YO COMPARTE ESTE DOLOR. MY BABY BRIANNA ESTAS Y ESTARAS SIEMPRE EN MI CORAZON.

Aleyeysi En mi corazon June 10, 2011
Ashley Martin Sweet lil Angel June 9, 2011

When i heard this story i couldn't believe it! How could someone do that to a child? I have 3 lil ones myself and i could never imagine doing that. Brianna looked so loveable and precious. The parents of this child disgust me. I just keep playing this story over and over in my head. Thinking what if it was my child but then i say it would never be! Let's stop child abuse right now in the memory of baby Brianna and all those other kids sufeering out there.. RIP Baby Brianna. WE LOVE YOU AND YOU WILL FOR SURE BE TAKING CARE OF...

LostMom to Patrick Barbosa IN LOVING MEMORY OF MY ANGEL PATRICK June 6, 2011



Life stands still and aches with memories.

Memories that aches so deeply of a precious life cut too short.

My son Patrick who left me behind to grieve

a loss that has no words, no definition,

no explanation, no concept.

I am left only with sorrowful feelings that linger deep

within my wounded soul reminding me to hold on to those

bittersweet memories.

These memories which came from a life that I love

so dearly and treasure.

God, help me to keep those powerful memories

because today I cherish them more than my own existence,

for it is my memories of my son Patrick, who is my life and

my light until the end.


Dedicated to my son Patrick Christian Barbosa

Nani Never Forgotten June 5, 2011
You will forever be in our hearts and now your story has opened up many eyes and hopefully helped to prevent someone else from going through the same things. Love you always dear Brianna!
Patty Lovely brianna June 3, 2011

Me gustaria saber que esto no es verdada que nunca paso pero siempre que leeo tu historia no puedo contener las lagrimas especialmente en tu aniversario el cual esta muy cerca te amamos y amaremos por siempre querida Brianna....

Amber Stefanson Hey Beautiful! June 3, 2011
Hey, Baby Girl!! It is June 2011 in Alabama and your story is still touching lives is many different ways. There is so much to say and wish I could just see you. You are a strong miracle baby that will never be forgotten. I just heard about you yesterday and my heart was felt with so much pain but I know you are ok because you are in Gods arms now.  I have a little one she is three years old and I know I am blessed. I wish I could hold you and love you like you deserved. I imagine you smiling and laughing and being the happy baby you should have been. I adopt you into my heart and forever I will hold a place for you there and in my prayers I say hello. You are my little girl and I love you! R.I.P sweet heart I will see you in heaven. P.S. Can not wait to see you in Gods kingdom.

shelby potter the saddiest thing ever!!!!!!!!!!!! June 1, 2011
brianna i will miss u very very very very .Know u will NEVER be forgoten .This is the saddiest thing ever, i HATE that someone will do this .
Shirley Yeong I will always remember you, cute little Brianna June 1, 2011






Shay Lil Angel June 1, 2011
 When I heard your story i cried.I dont know how any parent could do that to a child.I have a 7 year old.I couldnt imagine doing that to him.Idk how any parent that abused their child could live with themselves.Not Parents.They dont have the right to that title.A Parent would never do that to their child.You are in a better place.Cared for the way you should have been all along.You are free to play and laugh and do things a child should do without fear of any kind of abuse.You are free to be a child.You are loved here little angel.People that have never even met you love.You are in my thoughts sweet child.Love you 
lala my angel May 31, 2011
jordy my baby girl May 31, 2011
to my dear BRIANNA i willnever forget u
lala my angel May 31, 2011
HI MY ANGEL BABY BRIANA, I am very very sad about your story.i just read your story this morning but until now i cant stop crying,every single word reading your story my tears cant stop falling from my eyes.i cant imagine that your own family did that to you.i cant imagine that theirs a people like that who killing slowly inocent angel day by day until the day you die.while i was reading your story i have a son who are same as your age talking to me,smiling at me while my tears falls into him, i was thinking about your life when your alive trying to smile to your mother or to your whole family,trying to talk to them with pain.i was thinking if how they feed you when you are hungry? how they clean you when you are dirty? did they ever give you a bath? they did ever give you a hug? and play time with them?? did they ever say the word " I LOVE YOU BRIANA " my heart is really really broken.i wish your here with me because i will take care of you until i die.i will love you forever and ever briana my precious angel...you will always in my mind and in my heart.im so far away from you but i know GOD IS WITH YOU RIGHT NOW AND TAKECARE OF YOU.

Gloria To my little angel May 21, 2011
hi Brianna, when i first saw your video on facebook i started to cry. It was horrible to see what your own family had put you through. But i know now that you are in a special place now where no one can hurt you. I can just image you playing and smiling and that you are in good hands. You and the other angels are smiling down above watching me. You will always have a special place in my heart and you will never be forgotten. R.I.P Princess Brianna Mariah Lopez! I love you!
mae n0ble dear angel May 20, 2011

your story left me crying. the first time i learned about your story on you.tube i couldnt help but burst into tears. I am a new mom myself. i have a six month old baby boy. i couldnt imagine how could someone hurt a little baby so innocent and helpless. i wish i was there to help you.how I badly wish for that! those three evils should go to hell. they dont deserve to live anymore!  

I love you baby brianna..i love you and my baby aldridge so much Y_Y i will never ever forget your story. I promise to take good care of my baby. i will love him unconditionally. i will never ever hurt him. If given a chance to bear another child and if it would be a baby girl, i will name her after you..i promise you that. I love you baby brianna and hope to see you up there one day

Mae Noble from the Philippines

donna anguiano-kochie little angel of god May 18, 2011

i can not find words to say- to take the horror away from u- i will never forget u- i have 12 children and i can not fathom anyone doing what they did to u- i cry every day for u- i will make a promise to u- to keep your memory alive- to give u the support in death that u never had in life- the pain u went through- i can almost feel it- it will haunt me for the rest of my life! i love u little angel- even if i never met u- i feel like u are now part of me forever!

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