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Gabby Hermosa Princesa September 22, 2016
Hace unos dias me di cuenta de el gran daño que te hicieron y mi corazon se partio en mil pedasos al saber que esas personas fueron capaces de dañarte de esa manera tan brutal. En estos momentos estas en el cielo junto a Dios y se que en sus brazos recuperaste la paz y la trabquilidad que no tuviste al lado de los mounstros que tenias de padres. Eres um hermosa princesa y siempre te recordaremos. La mujer quel te dio la vida y a la misma ves te la destrozo y te la arrebato vivira el resto de su vida arrepintiendose de no haberte protejido. Dios se va a encargar de castigarla mi niña. Mientras tanto tu ya eres feliz y jamas volveras a sufrir
Sheyla Arriaza Tu recuerdo siempre vive en mi May 4, 2016
Bebita linda, todos los dias pienso en ti, ya supere la etapa de dolor, de frustración, de odio, de rabia por lo que le hicieron a tu lindo y hermoso cuerpecito. Ahora pienso en ti como una bebe linda, feliz, contenta, jugando en el cielo con muchos angelitos mas, igual que tu, felices, alegres, llenos de amor, de ternura, de alegria, de paz. Estas en Manos de Dios, se que El es bueno, es consentidor, se que abraza, te besa, te llena de tanto amor, como nunca recibiste.

Estoy encontrando paz, pensando en que estas muy bien cuidada, muy bien atendida, que estas feliz, que ves hacia abajo y nos ves a todos nosotros, los que sabemos y conocemos tu historia, mandandonos mensajes de paz, de tranquilidad y queriendonos decir que estas mucho mejor arriba y que nunca habias sido tan feliz.

Te amo inmensamente, y locamente como amo a mi propia bebe, Camila. Eres mi estrellita en el cielo, que ilimina mis noches y se que un dia te podre conocer, besar y abrazar y tenerte en mis brazos por siempre.

Te amo.
Jehova promete revivirla volver a vivir ..juan:5.28 y revelacion 21;3 y 4 April 19, 2016
Ivettina Ivettina Hugs and kisses BaBy Brianna April 14, 2016
Baby Brianna, mommy Ivettina and Baby Bianca Madeline love you.  I still am greiving the way you were tortured...its taking me some time.  I only discovered about you on your fourteenth birthday.  I am still GRIEVING.
Santa You will always be loved and adored February 5, 2016
My mother in law told us your story during dinner time. I was absolutely horrified by your story. I'm so sorry baby girl that you had to go through that alone and with no one to help. I was 5 year old when you were born but even at that I would have protected you as a mother and taken you under my wing as an older sister. I'm 19 now and I told my husband when I have a baby girl we will name her after you because to me baby girl whether or not I knew you. To me you are my baby girl even of you are in heaven that does not mean you are not mine. I will give you the love of a mother you never had by carrying you in my heart and mind forever baby I love you always will ❤❤
Lindsey & Baby Jace Brianna February 4, 2016
I just read this story today , it had me crying inside all day. i have my own child and i can NOT believe the things i read. my heart hurts for Brianna and every other baby/child that suffered at the hands of an abuser. i hope you felt peace in those few moments of your very short life , god knew they werent right for you , thats why he got you out of that situation. i love you and may your beautiful angel soul rest peacefully. Happy Early 14th Birthday and Valentines Day! <3
Jen Precious Angel January 9, 2016
I can't describe the pain I feel for what was done to u I wish I would of been thier to protect you I have a son that' 5 months old.and it kills me to think that nobody loved you or protected you..I love you soo much and I will keep praying everyday so that those horrible people that hurt you get what they deserve you are an angel and God will love care and protect you little one :)
Meely Bri November 5, 2015
Hi Brianna, my name is Gabby and I feel so bad for you, you are actually a year younger than me. I feel really bad hearing about your story and I want you to know, I love you. Even though you don't know me and were too young to, you will always have a special place in my heart. Your mother father and uncle, deserve to die for their crimes and your family as well. They don't care and want you to be locked away and in the darkness, so they trapped you in this cage. They shouldn't even be your family. They left you in a pauper's grave for craps sake, they shouldn't have a say with what to do with your body and stuff. I love you even though we've never met,  you were a strong little girl and I admire you for thay , you have been hated by your family in life, but you were loved by millions in death. Rest in peace , baby girl, .
Irene Jenkins My precious Daughter September 5, 2015
My lil precious Angel I love you  from the moment I saw you.. I can't get you  off my mind ..Everyday I think about you .You are my daughter I'm your Mother not by blood but by  heart takes you as my lil precious daughter.. I'm sorry what happened to you..Jesus took you soon because if you would have been in this earth anylonger you would of have a lifetime of suffering.. You are in heaven now I'm happy that you at peace now. I hope when I get to heaven with you I get to hold you love you give you lots of hugs and kisses R.I.P My Beautiful baby girl .
Irene Jenkins My precious Daughter September 5, 2015
My lil precious Angel I love you  from the moment I saw you.. I can't get you  off my mind ..Everyday I think about you .You are my daughter I'm your Mother not by blood but by  heart takes you as my lil precious daughter.. I'm sorry what happened to you..Jesus took you soon because if you would have been in this earth anylonger you would of have a lifetime of suffering.. You are in heaven now I'm happy that you at peace now. I hope when I get to heaven with you I get to hold you love you give you lots of hugs and kisses R.I.P My Beautiful baby girl .
Diane Van Dam Sweet Baby Girl May 29, 2015
Just one little peek into heaven, is all I'm asking for today. Just want to know how you are doing, and heaven seems so far away. Is she playing on the clouds with angels? Is she laughin and running today? Oh why does heaven have seem so far away? If you just let me look for a moment to catch a glimpse of her sweet face. She is in a better place.
I was a foster parent to a infant boy until he turned one. He was returned to family and passed away in his sleep. I miss him dearly and only hope that when he entered heaven, he met you. If you see him, tell him "mommy" loves him and missed him. His name is Sage.
I will always have you and him in my you!
Raveena Ashraf Dear Brianna, April 25, 2015
I dream of saving you, when you were born, I took you from the hospital, we have a beautiful home where you play with your brothers and sisters. You are so loved, spoiled and doted upon by our whole familly. You are mommys girl, we do everything together, you tell me what to wear, we cook together, you love brownies and ice cream!

You have so much mothers you know, every woman here longed to be your mother and love you. I know you can feel our love, my heart is pouring with it for you.

I wish I have the honour of meeting you in heaven one day. I am going to hug you real tight and play with you all day! I can already see your brown eyes sparkling with joy, your cherubic face and pink cheeks.

I know your with God/Allah and this makes me happy.

I don't love alot of people, I can truly say I love you darling angel.

"Tears In Heaven"

Would you know my name
If I saw you in heaven?
Would it be the same
If I saw you in heaven?

I must be strong
And carry on,
'Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven.

Would you hold my hand
If I saw you in heaven?
Would you help me stand
If I saw you in heaven?

I'll find my way
Through night and day,
'Cause I know I just can't stay
Here in heaven.

Time can bring you down,
Time can bend your knees.
Time can break your heart,
Have you begging please, begging please.

Beyond the door,
There's peace I'm sure,
And I know there'll be no more
Tears in heaven.

Would you know my name
If I saw you in heaven?
Would it be the same
If I saw you in heaven?

I must be strong
And carry on,
'Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven.
Judy precious baby brianna March 24, 2015
It's unfortunate we never met however I feel as though we have. I can see your rosy smile that brings smile to anyone, I can see your little body rolling for tummy time. I can see you eating solid food for the first time making funny faces, I can see you laughing everytime you pass gas, your little feet and hands growing stronger, your little arm reaching for pacifier, smiling at the sight of people who love you (us ; ) ), your eyes discovering colors, shape, and texture, giggling at a puppy kicking your face and loving life. Grow with God into a beautiful angel that you are.  
Vianca You are still in our minds March 12, 2015
It's been 13 years since you were gone, but your still in our minds. Every time I read your story I break into tears, looking at your pictures makes me so angry that I wish your mother, father and uncle were dead and in hell. I'll be making a presentation of your story because I would liked for my classmates to know that CHILD ABUSE is the worst thing a human can do. RIP BABY BRIANNA
Avyeliandra Babauta Sweet Baby Angel March 9, 2015
               Im so sorry Baby sister for those days you cried out for help n no one heard your cries... wish you you were my sister so we can play togethere cry together laugh together eat together or do whatever we can do together as sisters and didnt deserve those kind of abuse you endured. you deserved so much love the world can give you just like the rest of us children deserves. You will always be remembered in our hearts forever Baby sister and love you so much. RIP baby sister with Heavenly Father and his Angels for Eternity...<3 <3 <3 
Cathy Angel In Heaven March 6, 2015
Dear Brianna,
I came across your story today and I wish I didn't simply because I am seriously damaged by someone hurting you like that..... I cried for you and prayed for your happiness in heaven.  I hope you know angel that any normal person with a heart would have taken you as there own including me.... I wish I was there to protect you hold you and love you and kiss you.... I'm so sorry for what you went thru I would love a visit with your monster mother cause I promise you I will take care of her with my own two hands.  I have a 5 month old son and I cannot imagine someone hurting him cause I will simply kill them and I think of you and how precious and innocent and helpless you were and it makes me sick.  God needed an angel and you are safe in his hands now I feel peace in that... I love you Brianna and I will never forget your gorgeous face EVER!!!! Xoxoxo 
sajda I'm so sorry February 28, 2015
Sweet little angel, since I read about what happened to you and the suffering you endured my heart has truly broken.  I am so sorry no one heard your cries, I am sorry no one held and caressed you, I am sorry you were never shown love.  I am sorry for what you had to endure

I cried so much when I read your story.. I wish somehow some way you could come back and I could show you what love is.  I know you're happy now and no longer suffering. I hope one day I will meet you xxx

God sees and knows all.. on Judgement Day you will be given justice and those who made you suffer in such a horrific way will get a taste of their own medicine.  They got away lightly in this life.

Run free with the Angels in paradise little princess


Jaylynn Gomez The Little Angel I Never Met November 22, 2014
Precious Angel,

I have heard your story two weeks ago, I can't seem to stop thinking about what happened to you. It anger's me so much, to hear such monsterous action's put upon you. You beautiful angel, you changed my life's perspective as a mother, aunt or little sister. I Love You so much, I think of you as my own daughter. I will never forget you, or what has been done to you. You are alway's in my mind. 
Zyian Precious angel November 9, 2014
Baby Brianna, I'm in tears as I write this. type have so many people down here who love you SO much and wish you were here. We miss you, precious angel. There's so much I wish I could've told you and so much love I wish I could've shown you. Nobody deserves to go through what you endured, little one. You will always be remembered and we won't rest until we eliminate child abuse from the face of planet. If only we could've gotten to you sooner. WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH, BABY BRIANNA! ❤❤❤
atayan angelika my girl! October 22, 2014
My girl Brianna!Love you every my life!Forever!
Pamela Never, Ever Forgotten August 18, 2014
Never, ever forgotten, baby girl!!! Love you!!!
larissa schreuder for a sweet girl a belated message July 15, 2014
Dear sweet angel brianna
If only I lived next door and heard your cries I would have rushed over and stolen you, I would have loved and cared for you the way you suposed to have been

I have a son nine months next week you would have found him funny and cute, we are thinking of you.

We might meet one day when it is my time to come into heaven

we love you sweet angel xxx

Here is a picture of me and my son Damian look out for us and watch over us.

rachel RIP June 25, 2014
i dont know you btw but im doing a speech about child abuse and i was reading your stories about this precious baby and i just wanna say im so sorry for your lost and rest in paradise
nicole Dear baby Brianna June 13, 2014
You are so beautiful baby girl.  i am so sorry that this happened to you.  i wish i could have helped you and loved you like you were supposed to be love.  Nobody understands why this happened to you brianna, but at least you are no longer in pain.  you are in a better place and i hope to be with you one day to hold you and kiss you and love you like i wish you would have been.  the thought of what they did to you brings me to tears.  it hurts me so bad.  why did this happen to you.  you deserved so much better baby brianna.  i know your looking down on all of us and u can finally feel love for eternity. i love you and rest in paradise sweet angel.  well meet again.
Brianna's Guardian Angel POEMS & QUOTES TO EASE OUR SAD HEARTS June 3, 2014
Not flesh of my flesh Nor bone of my bone, But still miraculously my own.  Never forget for a single minute: you didn’t grow under my heart, but in it.    -Fleur Conkling Heyliger

How very softly you tiptoed into my world. 
Almost silently; Only a moment you stayed 
But what an imprint your footprints have left
On my heart!    -Author Unknown

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, For the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14


Can you be a Mother when your baby is not with you?  I thought of you and closed my eyes and prayed to God today.  I asked “What makes a mother?” and I know I heard Him say, “A mother has a baby”.  This we know is true.  “But God, can you be a mother when your baby’s not with you?”  “Yes you can,” He replied with confidence in His voice.  “I give many women babies, when they leave is not their choice.  Some I send for a lifetime, and others for the day and some I send to feel your womb, but there’s no need to stay.” “I just don’t understand this God I want my baby to be here.”  He took a deep breath and cleared His throat, and then I saw the tear.  “I wish I could show you, what your child is doing today.  If you could see your child’s smile, with all the other children and say…”  “We go to earth to learn our lessons of love and life and fear.  My mommy loved me oh so much, I got to come straight here.  I feel so lucky to have a mom who had so much love for me.  I learned my lessons very quickly, my mommy set me free.  I miss my mommy oh so much but I visit her everyday.  When she goes to sleep on her pillows where I lay.  I stroke her hair and kiss her cheek, and whisper in her ear, “mommy don’t be sad today, I’m your baby and I’m here.”  “So you see my dear sweet ones, your children are okay.  Your babies are born here in my home and this is where they’ll stay.  They’ll wait for you with me until your lessons through.  And on the day that you come home they’ll be at the gates for you.  So now you see what makes a mother, It’s the feeling in your heart.  It’s the love you had so much of right from the very start.  Though some on earth may not realize you are a mother until their time is done.  They’ll be up here with me one day and know that you are the best one.”

In Forever Remembrance Of A Life of Few Breaths Given Back In BIG Kisses


<3*~*~*~* <3 We love you baby Brianna <3*~*~*~* <3


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