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Kimberly Borg

Little baby Brianna every time i look at my daughter i see your face because she looks a lot like you it hurts to think about the horrible things you went trough it shuoldnt have been like that you never had your chance to talk, walk, play,laugh giggle you will always be in my heart little one especially when i look at my baby Naima as she reminds me of you RIP XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Oh, sweet little Brianna. You are more beautiful now then you ever were here on earth. I know you are being loved and cared for. I know that the people who did this to you will surely pay in the worlds beyond us. I have faith that there is a Being bigger then all of us that will make sure this happens.

Know that people love you still, and will always carry your memory with you, sweet girl.
Dawn Shoemaker

Hey Baby girl


I just seen your video I'm sorry that I could not be there to help you in your need Just think your in a better place now your mommy,daddy and uncle can't hurt you no more I hope that you are having fun up above I'm keeping you in my prays and I will always think of you when i see someone that has be though so much and you was so young you are very well missed and we all love you so very much I just wish that I could of saved you I will See you later in life i will one day join you in heave and tell you how much everyone is missing you and Loves you very Much

Brianna Holland--love always

As i read your story i broke down and cried for the beautiful baby that had been lost. Your short painful life is tragic but at least you don't suffer anymore. Sleep well percious one in peace of mind and body free of pain. Lovely child you are loved by a huge family.

                           ---love always,

                                  Brianna Holland.

Faye Hughbanks,Fl

Baby Girl,


You are missed very much after watching your video I felt as though I lost my little one. I hope you are having fun in heaven. As I write this tears are falling down for you are so sweet in the photo of you sleeping.



As I watch you sleep in the precious photo my eyes fill with tears

I want to hold you and let you know how much you are loved

Little Brianna you have such a big family that loves you

We are here to  let you know how much we miss and love you


Kayla Rose & Talli Askins

When we saw your story our hearts went out to you and all the other children who have died or are suffering from child abuse.  How could any parent put there child let alone a 5 month old go there such heart ache and pain.  No one deserves to leave this wonderful world the way you and others did.  I would love to have a child not at this moment but in a times matter. Believe if i know that my little one is going though pain, even if it not like yours, I will take them out of that environment and leave the person putting them though that pain and heart ache.  R.I.P you will always be in our hearts. Brianna Lopez

Heather (mother of two wonderful boys)
I am so sorry you had to go through the pain you did.  I live my life for my two babies and think of you everytime I look at them.  I only wish that you could have been born into love that all children should be born into.  You are in my heart and in my families hearts.  I don't even know you but when I saw the video I cried feeling the pain in my heart for you.  Even though you didn't get the love in your home, you are getting the love from all of us today.  Sorry we couldn't help you :^(   Everyone in this world is moved by your story and WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!
Traci C.
i never knew you. I cried when i watched your story.  I cried when i read how much pain you endured. I cried when all i could think about was how you must have cried out in pain. You will always be with me. Everywhere i go, everytime i hug and kiss my children you will be there. Rest in Peace litte one.
BreAnna Black

Sweet babey girl Brianna,

      I wish i couldve done somthing. I couldve bin there for you to hold your hand but i wasnt the one who was chosen. Im so sorry for what you went throught. Your grown up now nd yu were so so young.. i will always be here for you presious child. visit me in my dream please..? <3 R.I.P babey girl. youll always be in my heart.. forevr and always my angel.


Brianna, where was I? I wasnt there for you. Why wasnt I there, why didnt god let me be there for you? Let me be there, help me? What can I do? I dont know you but I miss you. Are you here with me? Is it selfish that I wish you in my arms now? That I wish you were in my womb for nine months. To show you the love of a mothers hand, kiss you when you cry, make you giggle and hold you till you fall asleep. I know the lord holds you now, but I wish you knew what my arms felt like. You were not the child of those who bore you. All of us women who love you are. We all would gladly have kept you with us for a lifetime. Ill dream of you, holding you and kissing you. I cant stand it, I feel like someone just punched a hole through me. You're missing from my world Brianna. I wish god would have given you to me. I know its selfish of me, but I would have done anything for you. All of would. Ill see you in my dreams little one. bless you forever
Mary (mommy of an angel)
May your story touch many and change the world I just wanted to say I MISS AND LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!! I cry out for you everynight asking WHY you youre forever in my heart and when I have a lil girl Im going to name her in memory of you such a beautiful joy and a blessing youre story lives on and its changing a lot I refuse to sit around and let this happen to another child. I fight for what I believe in and thats NO CHILD NO MATTER WHAT deserves what happened to you! If a mom is haveing troubles theres safe places for babies and kids just call me Ill be more then happy to ease your troubles.

RIP BABY BRIANNA I too have an angel in heaven
julie davies
I have watched the video of your sad story over and over,but still i cry.Sweet little angel what a horrific way to die.You were born on the day of love,but received none,you should have been loved, cherished and protected,by the ones who tortured you throughout your very short life.No child should have to suffer the way you did little one,children are a blessing and a pleasure,and should be treasured forever.They should always feel safe and loved completely by their whole family.You little Brianna will always be in my heart and when i think of you i will always have a tear in my eye,though i never new you angel i feel love for you like i do for my own.Sleep peacefully sweetheart, find love and happiness now with the other little angels.
Hope you know how much love there is in this world, especially for you Baby Brianna,what you did'nt get in life, you will have in death,peace happiness no pain and lots of love.
Sweetdreams Angel.
This is a photograph of my granddaughter who is the most prescious thing in the world to me,as you should have been prescious to the family,that failed you.

Light a Candle


Light a candle for you we mourn.

Into a new life you will be born.

Do not look for them at the gravesite.

They are somewhere else radiating their beautiful light.

you have gone to a new world where there is no darkness, no pain.

your  light and essence will always remain.

Light a candle for you, have left this mortal place.

you are free to travel through time and space.

When we think of you, you are near.

When we sit in a beautiful garden. your voice we hear.

When we listen to a divine symphony,

We close our eyes, your face we see.

Light a candle for you have not really gone.

With each flickering flame, in our  hearts you will always belong.

rest in pease baby girl,your suffering is over, you can now feel safe,

if you were mine, id have loved you unconditionally. and looked after you. everyday i think of you and wonder how they were given such a precious gift, when all they did was murder the most beautiful little girl ever. you will now be safe from them.

no-one can hurt you again


love you baby girl i will prey for you

you are so precious


 i never knew this little angel but ive been lying here crying at the thought of what they put her through. no-body deserves that and  for them to abuse a 5 month old little girl they should be tortured.

jennifer jones
baby girl you were only on this world for 2 months 2 long to experince such a horrible horrible death forn the ones who brought you into this world i just heard about your story today and i cried just to here any of this you did not deserve none of this but now your una angel in heaven in the manos de dios you will now rest peacefully your story touched my heart in soo many ways i love babys and if i;d would of known about you 7 years ago befor your death i would of feel in love with just as much as i just did you will forever stay in my heart and i will continue to pray for you and to pray that these animals that did this to you remain in jail i just wish you would hav never had to experince this tragic god made it possile to bring you into this world and help to give you life he gave you to stephanie for a reason to love you hug you cidle with you play with you give your bath feed you change your diapers surley not to suffer you baby girl i love you and i did not know you but when i looked at your picture and read your story i truley feelt like i knew you and i feel that i miss you and everytime i hear the music and read yoyr story i want to cry and now when i look and any little baby i will think of you but nina you dont have to suffer no more no more baby girl you are out of this pain it would have been better if you got to stay on earth and didnt have to suffer but its all to late i just hop that the guilt and what these pepole did to you eats at them everyday and i hope that they never forget it they will never have the chance to meet with you again because god can not forgive for somthing say hurtful and brutial like what they did i just hope you and your sould rest in peace in the hands of god and just kno yo te quiero much nina.
claudia iarocci

my little princess

i want you to know that i loveeeee youuuu soo much i only found out about your story yesterday and i know its been seven years since you passed but i think that you came into my life for a reason and whatever that reason is i love you for it.  i am soo sorry that you couldnt have a good mommy and daddy just believe me when i say that i loove you and miss you like you where mine and i cant stop crying since i found out about what happend to you. you are in a better place now and the pain that you once felt is now gone forever and to never come back.



rest in peace baby girl from now on everytime i hold my little 7 month old maddy i will think of you and pray xoxoxoxoxo looooveee you

Lorraine Luna
I LOVE YOU BABY GIRL ! <a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" title="Cute Graphics & Comments!"></a><br><a target="_blank" href="">MySpace Comments</a> & <a target="_blank" href="">MySpace Layouts</a><br>
Nicole - ABQ, NM

Dear Baby Brianna,

A friend sent me a link to your story via facebook.  I cried my eyes out for you today and have researched your story more since watching the KRQE news video.  I am so sorry that you had to live your short, precious life on this earth the way you did.  My heart goes out for you as no child should have to endure the evilness you endured during your life.  I have a 5 year old daughter and I just cannot even fathom her living the awful way you did.  I feel bad when she gets put in timeout - how dare these evil monsters do the things they did to you.  I know you are with God now being cared for the way you always should have been.  May God Bless over you always and forever and may your story save the lives of all of God's children who may be living the way you did. 


I never knew you, but I already love you!



Khadejah Mitchell

My heart stops every time I even try to imagine the horrible pain you went through on the last day of your precious life.  Because on that very day you were going through so much torture, I was bringing a life into this world.  My son Kiran Mitchell was born on July 19th, 2002.  I am so grateful to God for the blessing that he brought into my life but my heart aches when I think of how your life was taken.  I find comfort in knowing that God saw fit to bring you back home to him where he could protect you from the evil around you.  I find comfort in knowing my son was given an angel on that day!  I pray that your spirits continues to Rest In Peace!  I will cry for you often.  I will remember your story each year as I celebrate the life of my own blessing on July 19th.  You will not be forgotten.  Sincerely Khadejah Mitchell 

Kimmarie Scheetz
Dear Baby Girl...Since hearing of you story, I have dedicated my life to your memory. I have a lil girl, Elsie, who is five months old. I hug and kiss you both everynight before bed. I will be planting a beautiful flower for you next Spring in Elsie's garden. I am so sorry baby for what you endured. But you are safe now. My Nanny is Heaven too and I will tell her to come and give you a big hug and kiss everyday. RIP my Angel. I love you.

Hi Brianna,

    Just today I was browsing my facebook account when I saw one of my friends inviting me to watch a video. I was not really interested but it was about kids.I don't know why but I pressed the go button and saw the video of your story.  I felt so much pain and hate after watching. I was not satisfied so I went opening youtube.  There I was informed more of what has happened to you from birth up to the 5th month of your life. I was so sad and now I came to your site and read the memories shared by others who haven't met you but were got connected in your story.  They're all right.  You are loved by the world though your own family was not able to give you the love that you needed.  My love was late almost 8 years ago.  But from now on your memory will stay in my heart and my mind.  I have two kids right now.  They were supposed to be three but I lost my first baby girl.  Her name is Gyselle.  I lost her last 2002. She's almost the same as your age.  Now as I imagine, both of you are now playing in heaven together with the angels of God.  Only that my baby was not able to experience the pain like what you did but she was not able to see the world. Forget the pain now both of you coz now you're feeling the love that more than this world can give.  With you Brianna, I lost two babies now.  And the pain that I had years ago is here again...fresh and new...I promise both of you, I will never ever hurt my kids, Gian 5 and Gabbie 1.  If ever I will, I will think both of you to stop myself in doing such things.  You're my inspirations...We'll all see you in heaven maybe not very soon...but I know we will...Pray for us especially those who are hurting small children...We will always love you Brianna...Send my regards and kisses to our baby Gyselle...xoxoxoxo to both of you...Rest in peace our angels...

Yeini Goncalves
Dear Princess:
Little angel, now u in a place where no one can hurt you, where you can be safe and love, I read ur story and since then I can't stop reading about it, I just can't believe that a mother can do this to her child, I have a baby boy who is 5 months right now and I can't imagine doing anything bad to him or letting anyone hurting him, I will rather die than anything bad happen to him, baby Brianna maybe no one was there to hear you crying but I want you to know that I wish I was there, I wish that someone had hear you and help you! I didn't pray much, but since i had my son I pray every night, while holding him in my arms before putting him in his crib, I ask God to please take care of him and keep him safe, to please make me a better mother every day, to help me to raise him to be a good men, Now I will add to please take care of you little princess I will never forget you! and if they didn't love you, know that I never meet you and u have taken a piece of my heart...hugs and kisses Princess
I saw your story, i cried and asked god how he could let this happen to a baby. Where were your angels who walk beside you. I then prayed that as u cried in pain, and those men did those terrible things to you, your spirit was already gone. I am so sorry that no one was strong enough to stand up for you. People traet animals better than they treat children. I know now you are in a better place, and that you see how much you are loved. Children are a gift. I wish none of those horrible things would of happend to you, and that you only knew the feeling of love, and joy, as a child should. I will never forget you, or your story, and every night when i lay my babygirl down, and i sing to her Somewhere over the Rainbow, i will do it with you in mind as well, in hopes you can hear it to...God bless you...u are loved..xoxoxoxo
Teresa Corona
I wish I could have given you the love that you so much deserved and needed......You were just a little angel that couldn't do anything to have deserved what those animals did to you.....I am so sorry that you were put on this earth for such a short time with those monsters......But you know that you are in a better place now...And I believe he has a bigger plan for you mija......Te Amo Mucho Mija.....Con Amor......I will always hold you in my heart and love you for the rest of my life as if you were the daughter that someone took from me......I just wish that I could have held that beautiful baby girl that you are just once if not for just a second and then I would have taken you away from all that pain and hurt you went through.......Just know that you are loved by so many mija......Te Amo Mija Para Siempre Y Para Todo Mi Vida.........
i 2 seen your video on youtube and cried. it breaks my heart becaucese I honestly can't believe someone would do that to an innocent child...i just heard about it and i'm really sorry u had such horrible parents. if i had been related to you in any way i would've been there for u...i have 2 beautiful baby girls and i can't imagine someone doing such unspeakable things to them....18 years is not long enough for people who kill babies....ppl go to prison for life when they kill another adult. how is this any different? they should be in there for life and so should the family members who stood by and never did anything to stop it. i just want u to know brianna that u are definately in a better place and dont have to worry about pain again although you should never have had to experience that in all your life. hugs and kisses are what you should have had but never got it abd im sorry u didn't.  i would've given them you u everyday if i had been your mommy.  just know that you are loved and missed by everyone who comes across your story. you are in my are plenty of hugs and kisses for you....xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
  R.I.P. Baby Brianna 'fore you have no more pain and only love
Gone but not forgotten
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