Brenda |
Dear Brianna |
September 23, 2016 |
I'm so heart broken right.
In 1992 my first baby (I named him Alexander) went home to be with
Dear Brianna |
Spread your wings and fly baby girl |
September 22, 2016 |
It breaks my heard as I read news headlines that the monster who allowed this to happen to you gets to walk free while you never had the chance. She will have to face her own judgement day as well as the 2 others who hurt you. You would be what 14 years old now? What a beautiful girl you would be. It hurts my heart every time I read your story. How could anyone do such horrific things to such a helpless baby. Babies are supposed to be a blessing, not put on this earth to endure such pain. It saddens me that I even have to write this. I dont know how many times I read stuff about child abuse. Babies are not put here for us to abuse, take our anger out on, they are supposed to be the ones that lift us up on our bad days, make us smile when we are sad, because no matter what, a child always loves their mother/father. I hate that yours did this to you. They dont deserve to be alive. Why didnt they give you to someone that wanted/needed you, instead they tortured you until your lifeless body couldnt take no more. Not a day goes by that I dont think of you and hurt for what happened to you. I hope your flying high baby girl, danging with the angels in the sky, living happily the way you should have from the start. At least now you are not suffering anymore. Spread your wings and fly Brianna. Fly!!!
Grace Gomez |
Beautiful Baby Girl Brianna |
September 22, 2016 |
This is the first time I have read your story.. My heart is truly broken.. How could anyone hurt such a miracle, blessing that's given to us by the man upstairs... I'm so sorry you had to live such a short miserable life... I wish you would of never had to go threw that... As for the people who did this to you will have their judgement day, and that will have to be between them and the lord... I hope your happy in heaven are you dancing and singing wit the angels choir... God rest this beautiful babies soul.. R.I.P BANY BRIANNA..
You are now wit your father and he will protect you
Viridiana Román |
Rest in peace baby Brianna |
September 22, 2016 |
I can't even describe the pain I'm going through as I read all of this!! I heart'sin pain my mind's all messed up, I just cant! I just recently had my baby girl she's the same age you were when you left this world baby girl and man
K N B |
Beautiful Baby Girl |
September 21, 2016 |
I cannot find the words to say how sorry I am for what you went through. I'm so sorry that you didn't get that you didn't get to feel the love you truly deserved. I just came across your story today, and I sit here crying and looking at my 2 month old baby boy and wonder how somebody could do the sick things that were done to you. Your story will stay in my heart forever. You deserved love, and you got hatred. You deserved hugs, and you got slaps. You deserved kisses, and you got pinches. I hope you are enjoying a beautiful existence in heaven, and getting everything your beautiful self deserves.
K N B |
Beautiful Baby Girl |
September 21, 2016 |
I cannot find the words to say how sorry I am for what you went through. I'm so sorry that you didn't get that you didn't get to feel the love you truly deserved. I just came across your story today, and I sit here crying and looking at my 2 month old baby boy and wonder how somebody could do the sick things that were done to you. Your story will stay in my heart forever. You deserved love, and you got hatred. You deserved hugs, and you got slaps. You deserved kisses, and you got pinches. I hope you are enjoying a beautiful existence in heaven, and getting everything your beautiful self deserves.
Abbey N |
Little Angel |
September 14, 2016 |
Little Angel you deserve nothing but to rest in the arms of heaven. I am so sorry that your brief experience of earth was what it was. I don't understand how people can behave in such a way, but your story is such a lesson to be told. May you play, laugh, run, and rest in beautiful pastures. May you always feel safe and loved with the thousands of people who think good thoughts of you. May you look down on us with compassion for the broken people who only know how to break others. Rest well little love.
Sandra Moreno |
Angel |
August 30, 2016 |
my name is Sandra and I'm 21 years old race in foster home with a wonderful family who teaches me values and respect caring and love I was a mother at the aged of 16 and I'm so glad to be but I can't believe how can cruel life be this baby suffer a lot and I as tenneger I was i did never give up on her im just really sad to hear her story cause if that was my child I would protected and love her and provide for her as much as I could but I mean if there is people who don't want their kids please let them go to a home where they can feel the love not from their parents but from others why so much cruelty towards a baby anocent life who can't defend her self why don't you guys pick on someone from your own size why kid why a baby you can't love them just let them go someone who will love to have kid a child to race not taking a small annocent baby life
Monika |
Dear Brianna |
August 29, 2016 |
I hope I get to meet you in heaven. I believe there is a special place for babies there. Please come to me when my times comes.
Baby girl there's no word's to explain the tears that I have cried for you in this short time that I have read your story you didn't deserve all the pain that your little body went through I would have loved to be able to call you my daughter,I have 3 children myself and I couldn't imagine my life without them .But now you are in a better place an u are flying high with the angels baby girl I LOVE you an my heart hurts for you
cindy williams |
sweet angel baby |
August 14, 2016 |
i am still in disbelief that this has happened to a beautiful innocent precious life. may everyone open their eyes and realize that this type of tragedy of child abuse, neglect and murder occurs every day and needs to be stopped now. no more children should have to suffer or lose their life. my heart aches for sweet baby brianna. i hope that you are at peace in Gods arms and feel all the love in heaven sweet angel. you didn't deserve the suffering you endured from the ones who should have loved and cared for you the most. i would have loved to have had you as my daughter. i wish i could have held you, shown you love & happiness, to see your cute face smile, cared & protected you. i have 2 daughters of my own and could never let this happen to them. know that you are loved and will never be forgotten beautiful baby girl.
I think about you all the time, I first became known of your beautiful presence just last year, and when I read about it, I cried and wished this was not true, you didnt have a chance to live and be spoiled, live and bless us with who you could of became, I hate your parents, I hate your uncles, your aunties, I hate them all and wish they were dead, I wish they will be done how they did you, death is to easy for them. You deserved to be safe, you deserved to be here, you deserved so much more then what you were given and now I will share your story to the world to try to help, God protected you and took you under his wing, and he has giving you what no one could and that is peace, love, and joy, I love you baby briana if you were mines you would have never had to worry, so I will fight for you always, good be my beautiful angel above
July 8, 2016 |
July 8, 2016 |
Ashten lopez |
Sweet baby girl |
June 8, 2016 |
though we share the same last name, I am not relation to you. You bet if I were that you would have been still been here with us. I am so sorry that you only new the evil of the world, that you were not cherished and spoiled and loved. What a beautiful creation God made of you and your parents were to evil to except you. As a grieving mother , my heart grieves for you also now. We lost our little girl Lillian in October, please find her and love her, and call her your sister. Fly high sweet girl and when I make it to heaven I will see you both and kiss your faces.
Todos los dias pienso en ti, no hay dia que no pases por mi mente. Siempre estas en mi corazón, siempre tengo el deseo de verte, abrazarte, besarte, hacerte reir, verte feliz, contenta, jugando en el jardín persiguiendo mariposas. A veces quisiera verte en mis sueños y conocerte y poder cargarte, y hacerte la bebe mas feliz del mundo. Se que hoy tiene ya 14 años, pero para mi siempre tendras 5 meses, siempre será esas bebe hermosa, bella, preciosa, con unos ojitos bellos, una boquita divina. Quiero tocarte, quiero que puedas sentir lo mucho que te amo, lo mucho que hubiera deseado ser tu mamita y que fueras hermanita de Camila.
Quiero que sepas que te amo locamente, quiero que sepas que siempre estarás en mi mente y corazón y siempre pido a Dios que me de la oportunida de conocerte y poder estar junto a ti por siempre.
Beba hermosa, te amo! Eres mi estrellita que brilla en el cielo alumbrando mis noches junto a Camila y su papito.
Hubieramos sido tan felices los 4 juntos, pero estoy segura que un dia nos reuniremos y seremos completamente felices.
Besitos mi amor.
Jo |
I want you to be mine |
May 9, 2016 |
My Dear Baby Brianna,
You have such a beautiful name Brianna Mariah. Well I wanted to say that I wish and pray that you are my sweet, loving baby daughter in the next life. You are so innocent and your life was very precious and very sacred. I want you to be my daughter I know you are now safe with God and I bet Heaven is beautiful full of good people that love each other. I know that there is a family in heaven and you can be part of their family. Because your family here was not your family, they did evil to you. So now you can be with a family up in heaven and be their very own. I just hope and pray you understand exactly what I'm saying and talking about. If you were here I would have you as my daughter because I am 29 years old and I have no kids and I would have you has my loving daughter. I would protect you I would be sure you are healthy and eat healthy food instead of chips and soda. I would do alot for you etc., I hope I'm making sense to you. If not God understands he knows our hearts and he knows everything. Baby girl you are in Heaven. You are home and you will never ever feel pain of torture or you will never shed any tears. I will be looking for you when I get to Heaven. It must be so beautiful and full of pure love and the highest love that God Has for his people. Baby Brianna I want you too fly I mean fly to the highest Heavens. You are looking at Jesus Christ our Lord and too your Mother Mary I mean your real mother Mary who will love you and show you pure love. Not the earthly mother who betrayed you and didn't appreciate you at all. You are precious. You were suppose get the protection and love and affection and all the attention and all the good stuff you deserve. But you were betrayed and tortured. I hope and hope that your so called family go to the deepest part of hell and that they suffer forever. Lord forgive me for saying what I feel. I feel hurt and I literally cried with cry coming down my cheeks and I cried for Brianna. I wonder how you would have been I know you will be in school and just having fun with your friends and being a normal child/teenager. I know you would have blossomed into a beautiful young lady Brianna. You will always be my daughter I want you as my daughter since I am not a parent, but would love to give you everything that you deserve especially my love, my time, and whatever good I have and my money. ❤ RIP Beautiful Princess Brianna!! I love you forever and evermore!! ❤
JessicaJessica |
Beautiful baby girl |
April 30, 2016 |
beautiful baby girl, i just read your story a couple of days ago. And i have not been able to stop the pain in my heart. When i read your story my heart broke. Ive never felt so my pain. Im sitting here crying my eyes out. As i see my little baby sleep.she is 7 months old. She is a beautiful little girl like you.. but in my head i have the pictures of you. The pictures that will never go away... you did not deserve that pain. You should of been loved, hugged and kissed. Baby girl i send my love. And To the people that did this to you. They will one day pay for what they did. Baby girl i hope by me writing this to you. This would help me. Because i have been in pain since i have read your story.
Kelly |
An Angel |
April 20, 2016 |
I just found out about Brianna and I was just shocked that people, such as parents and grandparents could do this to a beautiful child. I am mother and a grandmother and I can't imagine in a million years letting anyone do something like this to my children or grandchildren. Children are a blessing from God and should be treated that way. I hope that they burn in Hell for what they have done. It really turns my stomach. Actually, maybe someone should do to these people what they did to Brianna. Rest In Peace sweet baby!
Baby Brianna apenas supe tu historia ayer. Y no he dejado de pensarte, quiero decirte que estarás en mi corazón siempre. Qué fácil es amarte, eres un Angélita muy bella. Ahora eres una luz que brillara eternamente en nuestros corazones. Soy madre de una nena de 3 meses a quien amo con locura. Así como tú debiste ser amada acá. Ahora hay millones de personas que te amamos. Te llevaré por siempre en mi corazón y en mis pensamientos. Dios este a tu lado Angélita divina.
Sheyla Arriaza |
Bello Angelito |
April 15, 2016 |
Bebita linda. Te escribo desde Guatemala Centro America. Tu ya sabes quien soy, todos los días desde que me entere de tu historia, he llorado, te he hablado, te he amado inmensamente. Con muchas lágrimas en mis ojos te digo que te amo locamente, inmensamente y que hubiera dado mi vida por salvar la tuya y salvarte y rescatarte de se dolor tan grande que esos malditos monstruos te hicieron. Camila, mi bebita de 12 meses, es igual a ti, bella, hermosa, preciosa y cada vez que la beso, la abrazo, acarició, pienso que tu puedes sentirlo y puedes tener un poquito de amor, del que nunca te dieron. Me atormento, me estreso, lloro mucho y me afecta demasiado pensar en el dolor que sufriste. Pero se que estás en un lugar lindo, bello, lleno de paz, de amor de armonía, y todos los díaa juegas con muchos angelitos bellos igual que tu. Antes no sabía que pedirle a Dios cuando llegará a su presencia, ahora le pido que me de la oportunidad de conocerte, verte, abrazarte, olerte y decirte lo mucho que te amo, aún sin conocerte.
Te amo angelita linda! Sigue siendo muy feliz en el cielo! Estoy segura que te veré un día!
Besitos, mi amor!
My Dear Baby Brianna, it is March 16, 2016, and I discovered you four weeks ago and I cannot stop thinking about you. I do not know what to write, so I will simply type what my heart is feeling. I feel sadness and anger for the torture you were put through during your short time here on this earth. I have a beautiful 17 month young daughther who I cherish and wlll move mountains for, because the love I have for her is beyond explanation. That is the exact same love I feel for you. Had I known what you were going through, I would have saved you from the torture you were going through. You were only 5 months old, so you could not even walk or crawl yet or do tummy time! instead you were left to be tortured by the those monsters who were supposed to protect you. I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND WHY THEY TORTURED YOU. Now you are in the safe hands of our loving God. He protects you, loves you unconditionallly, and you are SAFE and happy. Every hug I give to my daugher, is a hug for you (crying as I type this) every kiss every toy every bottle of milk, is for you as well. I feel awful that I was not there to save you. I love you Baby Brianna, always always love you. Ivette and Baby Bianca.
Haein Yi |
Dear Beautiful baby Brianna Lopez, |
March 1, 2016 |
This is a second attempt trying this~~~don't know why it didn't go thru the first time.. but Brianna
all I want to say is I LOVE YOU...and I am so sorry you had to be all alone during the darkest time. I wish I was there to protect you. I wish i was there so i can buy you toys, cards, and etc. you are a beautiful, sweet, and innocent baby. plz be born again in next life and be my daughter. I will always love u and treat u like a queen. I want to hug u so much!!!! sigh. I cry every time I think of u.. u are and will always be in my heart.
sweet dreams baby... God is with u...and I'm with u at heart..
Nia P Garcia |
Beautiful Soul and Sweetest Little Angel |
February 16, 2016 |
I am so sorry my Sweetest Little Angel of Mine, I want to wish you a Happy "14th" Birthday up in Heaven......on Feb 14th
I love you sweetest heart...
J.K.S |
The long road in grief |
February 14, 2016 |
It's been more than 8 years already since I first read of your story. In the beginning, there wasn't much on you. Just misinformation and a few snippets here and there. I wanted more for what you'd suffered. I wanted people to see what you'd been through. I wanted people to care. In the beginning though, there weren't many who did. Your death was too brutal for some to take. I understood but it still made me angry. It's been 8 years since then and very slowly your story has emerged from being buried in that cemetery. You've been given a voice that just did not exist then. I am forever grateful to have known about you during that silent period and into this period where your story screams loud. I am forever grateful that I was able to see how your story emerged from the shadows.
Over the past 8 years your story and life has blossomed and bloomed into something I never could have imagined. You've become a house hold name, and I find as more time passes, many persons come to this place of utter grief over what happened to you. I see the anger and despair written all over your page and the many other pages created for you. That initial shock is a jagged pill to swallow.
In the beginning I was a frequent visitor to that place. I remember the anger, sadness, despair, hopelessness. It's what made me want to create this page for you. It's a way for me and others to grieve over your short, brutal life. Some days this page wasn't even enough.
It's been 8 years and since then I found I've left that place of grief. I've laid your name and story and life down in that place where I lay all children who were snatched from this life. That garden in my heart where I can think of you all without the heaviness of grief. It doesn't make the grief better, it just makes it easier to carry. I don't think of you as much as I use to. Not because I don't care, but because I've learned to love and see you in a new way. I no longer see your brutal death, but rather the life your story has taken since July 2002.
Now on what would have been your 14th birthday, I find myself reflecting on the unorthodox journey we've taken since the beginning. How many things have changed since then and how many will change in the coming years. I hope your story continues to gain the life that you didn't. One where change happens.
Happy 14th Birthday, Brianna.
And I love you, I love you, I love you.
Like never before.
lil Brianna,
I just learned of your story yesterday, I can't even imagine the pain you indured.. I just want you to know angel baby, there are mothers an fathers that love their children, there are good people in this world.. I know you left this world thinking, people are evil, mean an cruel.. I wish on everything you could have seen an felt love, before you left.. You were so strong for so long.. I just hope your looking down on us an feeling the love you never got while you were still here on earth.. You have so many mamas an daddy's an sisters an brothers who love you very much.. Your free now babygirl.. Fly High an continue to Rest in Peace.. All my love,
Brianna, I think of you sweet little face everyday. My heart knows your an angel in heaven where you are loved and cherished. I can see you smiling and laughing like a happy little girl. When I get to heaven, I want to kiss and hold you like a real mother. The world can be cruel and its painful to know how much it was to you. You are loved by people worldwide!! We love you Brianna, and we will see you someday. So many babies and children are in heaven with you, but to know that you know Gods love keeps us all going, trying to make sure little.boys and are safe. Big kisses and hugs to you .fly with the angels sweetheart. God bless
Baby girl Brianna Marie, it's so so hard to hear what u had to live with n had to all endure in ur home n by the ur own family..Family is supposed to be there for u to help u, love u, care for u, show ya the world n what it all has to offer u, Family is supposed to be supportive in all ways.. Everytime I look at my 2 month old baby girl Jemmah Marie makes me always think of u n what had all been done to u.. I jus don't see how a person a human being let alone family ur parents could've done all that to u ur such a beautiful angle n so deserved a better life I wish u could've been saved especially when family knew what was happening n all the things that had been going on n all what was done was absoultly nothing,nothing at all they had the chance to save u n jus sat back n ignored ur pleas n cries all hospitals have a Safe Heaven for this purpose where parents who are having difficaulties n problems they can jus take there babies there so all babies n children can have the life they deserve, to be loved, cherished n cared for n to be given a chance to experience all what the world has to offer..hearing about what happened to u n what u had to go through n endure breakes my heart that no one had steped up n did the right thing n save u before it all came to that last day hearing ur story as well as other babies like u n children makes me remember my bestfriend Tara hull who was 10 at the time n her sister carey hull was 7 when they was supposed to be spending the weekend with there father n there was problems going on with a custody battle n sad to day that Friday afternoon was the last I got to see them n then being told that it best friend her sister n there father had been found n the way there father done them n then his self is just disgusting that ppl monsters really who have no heart to do the unthinkable n unimaginable especially when it's ur mom, dad,or other family can think of hurting an innocent beautiful sweet baby girl like u.. I just wish brianna u could've been saved I could've had an amazing n wonderful life u deserved that..Angel girl u will never be forgotten n will always be my lil Angel baby girl.. I'll always be team Brianna Marie n hopes u get the full justice u so deserve..xoxo
Jennifer Craig |
You ARE loved, by so many! |
February 4, 2016 |
Sweet, sweet baby, you have so many mothers, aunts and uncles, sister, brothers and grandparents that love you unconditionally when the family that was blessed with you did not. I hope you are looking down and see that almost 11 years later people are still showing their love for you. I hope that there is a mother in heaven for you that can snuggle you and tickle you, to kiss your little forehead down to your tiny toes, and can give you everything your mother didn't. I look over at my little daughter of 2 months and it just breaks my heart. I thank God for taking your pain away. Your innocence will forever live on and your memory will never die! And I know there are many people who will fight in honor of your memory to ensure that this will never happen again. I send you kisses and hugs and snuggles and am happy to know you are no longer suffering.
Nia P Garcia |
I love you and I have never met You... |
February 4, 2016 |
Beautiful Soul and Sweetest Little Angel,
I have never heard or saw your story unitl last night. I cannot take you off of my mind beautiful little angel. I cannot stop crying for you. My heart hurts, I can barely speak after having read your horrific story. I cannot beleive that this was allowed to happen to you and I wish I couldve protected you, I have 4 beautiful babies of my own. Hevyn Lee, Jr, Dezzy, and Faythe who is a 1 year old little girl, I cannot ever image letting anyone harm them. I know you are in a better place in the Lords kingdom, he has your wrapped with all his love, you are smiling and pain-free, you are playing and giggling I can almost see it. what I dont see is where justice for what was done to you was handed. You where the most innocent. You would have been turning 14 years old this month. Happy Birthday Baby Brianna, I wish you can come into my dreams one day and let me hold you and hug you and kiss your little cheeks. In only having seen your sleep-like picture of you, you make me be a better mother, a better woman, and better person. I will forever love you. I hope when i arrive into the kingdom one day that I can look into your eyes that have never been seen. Til next time Sweetest Little Angel
Rebeca |
precious innocent baby girl |
February 4, 2016 |
Hi baby girl ,
Just wanted to say that I am truly sorry for what happened to you. If I would be given the opportunity to take you as my child I would in a heart beat. You did not deserve to get the torture that you endured. I'm so deeply sorry if I could have taken the pain and brought it to myself instead of you , I would. When I first heard about your story I could not stop crying. I cried and still cry and pray so much for you. Such a beautiful angel. Such a pure soul. Why did this happen? And why is there still so much evil in this earth ? I love you angel , and I will keep spreading the word and keeping your name Alive. I have a 5 month old baby girl and every time I see her I see your beautiful face. I promise to be the best mom and promise to fight to stop child abuse for you baby girl. That's a promise. Your birthday is coming up soon baby , happy birthday. You will forever be in my heart even though I never got to meet you, I hope I see you in my dreams , I hope I get to hold you and kiss you one day. We love you baby. We love you.
Renee |
Hugs and Kisses |
February 4, 2016 |
Hi baby girl,
How I wish I could have held you and loved you as you should have been. How I wish I could have protected you from those monsters. My heart broke when I read in horror what happened to you, precious angel. However my faith puts me at ease, because I know you are now home with God. He is taking care of you now. Your in a far better place than us all. Sending love, hugs and kisses baby angel! God bless you, you will be in my heart always <3
Joanne |
Rest peaceful little princess... |
January 21, 2016 |
I am so, so sorry that you endured such pain at such a tender age... this world was cruel to you... I wish I would have known and done something to save you... I wish I could be your mom to love you and hold you, like I am holding my 6-month-old boy... rest little princess, you are at a safe place now... I am keeping you in my prayers!
dusan |
honest condolence |
October 27, 2015 |

baby brianna....what to say ,and not to let tears falling ,i can only say serbian ortodox prayer "neka se gospod bog i andjeli smiluju tvojoj malenoj dusi ,laka ti crna zemlja ,pocivaj u miru "
Laurie DePinto |
Sweet Baby Brianna |
September 1, 2015 |
Our dear sweet Baby Brianna, I am so sorry that you endured so much pain in your short life. You are now a forever Angel and back in the loving arms of your creator. These horrible creatures who put you through this will one day have to meet their maker...he will be the one to finally decide their fate....once and for all. God bless you sweet, beautiful Brianna. You did not die in vain... <3 <3
Queria de todo o meu coração ter podido livrar você de todo o seu sofrimento.
Meu coração dói de imaginar as dores que lhe foram causadas. Os maus que lhe foram feitos.
Peço a Deus que Ele cuide de você com o amor que só Ele tem, e que você não se lembre de nada que ocorreu nesse tempinho curto em que esteve no meio de nós.
Se eu pudesse agora, te daria beijos, abraços, te faria rir, faria cocegas, te daria o amor que voce merecia e não teve. Mas o amor que você recebe agora, do Pai, é o maior e melhor de todos.
Linda, fique em paz, saiba que meu coração tem um pedaço seu e que eu sinto muito por não poder fazer nada.
Somos frageis, somos pequenos, mas o Pai sabe das coisas. Ele te ama. Eu tambem.
Anjo, fique em paz. Beijinhos !!
Sweet Precious Little Angel in Heaven and in the arms of Jesus! You life on earth has casued a impact that has blossomemed around the world. Like a precious rose that God created with little pedals all tucked in I think of you wrapped up in them and sleeping peacefully. I pray that you are playing in Heaven's Playgroud with many other children that have been taken too soon!
You live on in my heart ♥ and although I never got to hold you on earth I pray one day I can hold you in my loving arms. So precious little one Save a Place for me. I'll be there soon! But as long as I am on this earth on my journey from this world onto the next I will fight for the Justice and Safty of all children. All for you Precious Little One!
May your name and memory live on forever on this earth so people will be the voice of you and so many others that were taken too soon! It should never hurt to be a child.
Sleep and play Earth Angel and come to me in my Dreams and give me Butterful kisses...♥
For you are so loved more in your death than you ever were in your life on earth. I know you are in Heaven because of the Truth and I Believe it! Blessings and Much Love to you forever ♥ .......
Tammy Lawson-Hernandez ♥
J.K.S |
13 years |
July 19, 2015 |
July 18th and July 19th will always be dark days. Even though you suffered throughout your five months, these two days will always carry a darker cloud. The only comfort I have is that you're away from the pain. And that your memory and story still continues to resonate with people all these years later. You've touched so many lives. In your brief five months, you've changed more hearts than most people do in their entire ninety years. You are a special child. One who continues to shine through all these dark days.
Rest peacefully, Brianna.
You are loved.
Never forget that.
You are forever loved.
After all this time, we still remember. Love, sorry, heart ache and compansion is what I feel. God has you in his arms getting the love you didnt get here on earth.
Rita |
..wish you were mine..... |
May 1, 2015 |
My dearest Baby heart truly bleeds for you, what you went through from the moment you arrived into this world...I am so so sorry for the very painful suffering, you a sweet tiny angel had to endure...I wish you're mine to care for and to love...
Each moment I remember you, I cry..your angelic little face, showed how strong were you despite of it all...
I pray from the bottom of my heart, that in the place you are in now, in heaven, in the embrace of God's love and all the angels, you do not remember nor feel the pains inflicted upon you while you were here on earth...may God's amazing love washes away all of the agonies, pain and hurt.....and I pray for all the babies and children wherever they are, who are not loved and cared for, that God may take care of them...and pray that the evils are cast back into hell...
Thank You Baby touched the hearts and the lives of so many.....
I'm so sorry sweet princess. I'm so sorry on behalf of those demons. I love you, with my whole being, my heart and soul.
If I could take your place and you could be here instead, healthy and happy, then I would.
Jennifer |
Beautiful Angel |
March 12, 2015 |
Precious little princess I am so sorry for everything you had to endure, how i wish that someone would have spoken out and saved you. i will never understand how can a human inflict pain on another specially a beautiful little angel like yourself. I think about you all the time and i cant stop the tears or the knot in my throught, i wish i could hold you and make it all better but u will always be close to my heart. How i wish you would've been mine and i couldve protected you and given you all the love you deserve. life was unfair my little angel but you have opened our eyes and you made a change. i will always love you Brianna and i will continue to light your candle every birthday. rest in peace my little princess until we meet in heave.
Love, nothing but love....
It breaks my heart to even imagine what you had to endure each day of your precious life. Sweet girl, you did nothing at all to deserve the cruel, heartless and overwhelming pain that you did. Had I been near, your beautiful self would still be with us today and I likely would be where those horrible monstors are for showing them the fate they bestowed upon you. It would be worth it, if it meant your life would be saved.
Sweet beautiful girl, you would be the same age as my girl this year. Although you're not here with us in person, you have left an imprint on many of our hearts that will last a lifetime. You're safe now our sweet beautiful girl. Spread those wings and fly high, knowimg that you are loved. So very much loved our sweet angel up above.
Briana Reece |
To my baby soul sister |
February 24, 2015 |
I thought for the longest time that it was me that never stopped screaming from the horror and the pain of it all, but I think now that part of me heard you. I can't begin to imagine how many of us share similar stories, or how the world can remain deaf and blind till it's too late.
I'm so sorry for what you endured. So sorry that you never knew love, or comfort, or hope.
I'm so sorry that people think "family" means something, or that just anybody has the right to decide a child's fate... just because they couldn't keep their legs crossed or think having a child is like owning a pet.
I don't know if I'm sorry or greatful you only had to live through five months of that hell, I wish you could have been saved, I wish one person who knew you when you were alive had had the forethought to check on a new mother and her infant. I wish the world were less concerned with the right of a parent than the life of a child.
You need to know that you were perfect. You were such a good girl, you didn't do aything wrong, ever. And that's not the way that life was supposed to be for you.
So thank you. Thank you for braving this life, for fighting so hard, for lasting so long in such horror. You came to us durring a time where we really just began talking about these things, and in doing so you became every story that was never told.
No one can hide from what was done to you. They can't make excuses or try to gloss it over. You were an infant, utterly dependant, innocent... you were everything in this world that calls to the deepest part of a feeling human's soul.
Your life and your death sends a message people need to learn to understand: the world has to stop waiting for their children to grow up enough to ask for help. Because for you, for me, and countless others...
Our hell begins at conception.
I've only just begun to know you, but I've been reaching towards you since before you were here, I enbrace you and all of us tortured children in a constant plea that's too hopeless to be a prayer
Please, somebody, anybody... save us from being born to these monsters.
Alice V |
Happy 13th Birthday in Heaven Precious Princess. |
February 16, 2015 |
I visited you on your Birthday Precious Baby Girl.Like I have every year I placed gifts that were sent to you from Countries far away. Strangers that have never met you but Love so much. Precious Princess you are Loved by so many people if all this love could've build a wall to protect you from all the evil , hatred, and pain you would still be here. But God had other plans for you he needed another rosebud in his garden. Precious Princess I will continue to Honor you Birthday's receive all those gifts people send me from around the world to place them in you grave. And pray someday we will be allowed to take that ugly cage away or let us build you a castle and make it beautiful like you and place a beautiful headstone. Precious Baby no words will ever take all that pain you suffered but you are truly Loved and forever in everyone's hearts. RIP Precious Princess and May The Perpetual light shine upon you. I will Always Love You like a Daughter.
J.K.S |
13th Birthday |
February 14, 2015 |
No matter how much I try to wrap my head around how old you would have been, I still cannot believe it. Do we still call you Baby Brianna? You wouldn't be a baby now if you'd lived. Then again, if you'd lived I wouldn't be here trying to understand. It's been more than 8 years since I first read your story. I still remember the early days of grief and anger and disbelief that something like that could happen to a baby. A small child. What did you do to deserve it? Nothing. And that was the problem. You didn't deserve what happened, but it did happen to you. After that, every year on your birthday I would think about what you might have been. I think of what you should have been experiencing. First day of preschool. Preschool graduation. First day of elementary school. You'd be in High School now wouldn't you? No more than I could have pictured you as a 5 year old can I picture you as a 13 year old.
I find that all these years later, the anger and grief and disbelief has morphed into a silence in my heart for you. A sort of scared healing that doesn't cause me to think of you as much as I use to. Not because you mean any less to me, but because I have placed you in that place in my heart where all children who have suffered the same fate as you go. It's that place where I realise it happened and it is happening. I know I don't have to think of you every day to remember you. You are part of every postive thing I do every single day. You are that warmth in my heart I get every time I see people gather to remember you or do something for you. You are that person who does something in this fight against child abuse. You are here every day in small ways and big ways. Thank you for that. Thank you for easing the grief and helping me see it in such a postive light.
Happy 13th Birthday Brianna. Your 13th Birthday may not be celebrated in the way it should have, a party with you surrounded by friends, instead it will be celebrated in its own special way. The looking at a sunrise or sunset. Spending a moment with loved ones. Or just thinking of you today. Which ever way, I hope you feel it. I hope you know it. You are loved, Brianna.
And I love you, I love you, I love you.
Like never before.
Kris |
My little angel |
February 14, 2015 |
Me sweet angel, please forgive me for not being there to protect you.When I saw your face i wanted to kiss you and hold you so tide, you are so innocent so sweet, you are loved by many people, be sure that these animals will get what they deserve, while you are free and happy in the hands of God. You are always in my heart, i love you somuch my little baby, happy birthday, me sweey angel
Anja netherlands |
Crying |
February 13, 2015 |
little brianna im am Crying for you and hugging my baby girl of 7 months. How could this happen why didnt some one stop this.
i hope heaven is no fairytale and you are there. With no pain and being loved.
i crie for you my little one......
jess |
love |
February 12, 2015 |
I am.. So sorry for what happened to you. I can't put into words my sadness. I'm so glad you are now in God's living arms and no longer dealing with the high in heaven always. Xo
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